About Afriswe

Afriswe is an international cooperation


The cooperative aims to uplift its members by mobilizing them together to take
charge of their own problems within their homes, communities and the country at large through different developmental programmes.
AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative, Sweden aims at bringing together the African
citizens by interesting them to take back home their knowledge, skills, experience
and money to invest and support the development of their home countries.

Vision & Mission

Active, secure and flourishing African communities.

The mission is to promote agribusiness in African countries by uplifting the small-
scale farmers through connecting them with other agribusiness participants and
associations to attain knowledge and skills, financial and equipment support and
market access across the world.

AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative

We are open to any business venture

Afriswe is an international cooperation that was registered in Ulricehamns Kommun, Västra Götaland, Sweden with operations in Africa. AfriSwe Cooperative offers a wide range of business aspects in alliance with both the European and African manufacturers & organizations that provide expertise in different areas like agribusiness, renewable energy (solar & biogas) & civil construction and we are open to any business venture with the aim of supporting the rural development programmes in Africa as well as those in need of our services and products for both short- and long-term working relationship.

AfriSwe Members Statute
Statutes for AfriSwe Strong Knot Association Members Multipurpose Cooperative
Society Limited

1 Business Name: The cooperative’s business name is “AfriSwe Strong Knot
Association Members Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited”.

2 Purpose:
The cooperative aims to uplift its members by mobilizing them together to take
charge of their own problems within their homes, communities and the country at large through different developmental programmes.
AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative, Sweden aims at bringing together the African citizens by interesting them to take back home their knowledge, skills, experience and money to invest and support the development of their home countries.

Active, secure and flourishing African communities.

The mission is to promote agribusiness in African countries by uplifting the small-scale farmers through connecting them with other agribusiness participants and associations to attain knowledge and skills, financial and equipment support and market access across the world.

I. Honesty, integrity and transparency: all members being accountable and
responsible for their individual and organization actions.
II. Hardworking: always considering and appreciating each other and people’s
efforts put in the struggle.
III. Focused: always promoting self-motivation and doing things right the first time and all the time to save the organization’s resources from being wasted.

3 Objectives:
I. To foster strong linkages among agribusiness, renewable energy
(solar), trade and service organisations in the Diaspora and, with
AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative to transform Africa rural areas into
economically diverse and vibrant locations thereby fostering the
elimination of hunger and poverty and bringing prosperity to the
countries and the continent at large.

II. To uplift AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative Members through
sensitization programmes, capacity building sessions and exposure to
strong connections around the world to enable them to improve on their
productivity and living standards.

III. To establish strong working relationship between Africa and Europe by
supplying quality goods and services that support the cooperative
growth through Agribusiness, Solar power energy, Value Addition
Systems, Supermarkets, Expos, Training and Consulting services.

I. To create agribusiness awareness across the African continent to
better the wellbeing of African farmers.

II. To create a colourful green environment, empowered people and
augmented systems in the areas of food security and safety, energy,
clean water, healthcare, education and social economic empowerment.

4 Registered Office: The registered office of the board is in Kampala Uganda
5 Membership:  In order to be accepted as a member of the cooperative, an
applicant should be expected to comply with these statutes and decisions made by
the cooperative and contribute to the realization of the cooperative’s purpose.
Applicants should also add new knowledge, networks and experience to the
cooperative. The cooperative can accept Investing Members. Applications for entry
shall be made in writing online and will be considered by the Board.

6 Cooperative Quotas/Shares are fixed at One Hundred Thousand Ugandan
Shillings (100,000UGX). It is constituted by (50) Quotas/Shares maximum and (1)
Quota/Share minimum for an active member. The Cooperative organization may
receive donations, legacy and aids.

7 Membership fee: Members shall pay an annual membership with the amount
determined by the general meeting. The membership fee can be no more than One
Million Ugandan Shillings (1,000,000UGX).

8 Exclusion: A member who violates the rules, or who clearly damages the
cooperative or work against its interests or purposes, can be excluded from the
cooperative by the Board. An expelled member may refer the issue of exclusion to
the Annual General Meeting by reporting his/her wish to do so, to the Board within
one month from when the notice of exclusion was sent to the member.

9 Resignation: Except in the cases that are defined in a particular way in the
Cooperative Act, a departure from the cooperative will take place at the end of the
fiscal year that occurs no less than a month after a member has resigned on own
request, been excluded or resigned for other reasons or there has been another
factor that led to the departure.

10 Signatory: The Board and those who the Founding Committee appoints as
signatories will sign for the Cooperative.

11 Auditor: The cooperative shall have one auditor and no more than one deputy
auditor. They are appointed by the National Assembly for the period until the next
National Assembly.

12 Fiscal year: The cooperative’s fiscal year is the calendar year, January 1 to
December 31

13 Annual report: The Board shall submit all documents regarding the annual
report to the auditor and the Founding Committee no less than 6 weeks before the
National Annual General Meeting.

14 National Annual General Meeting: The National Annual General Meeting is held once a year within six months of the following fiscal year. At the National Annual General Meeting, the following matters are to be considered:
1. Election of chairman of the meeting and notification of his/her choice of secretary.
2. Election of person to adjust the meeting minutes and approval of the voting list.
3. The question of whether the meeting has been duly announced or not.
4. Approval of the agenda
5. The Board’s annual report and audit report
6. Decision on establishing the balance sheet and income statement and approval of
annual budget
7. Decision on the discharge of the regions committees
8. Other matters to be taken up at the meeting by law or statutes Motions from
members to be treated at the National Annual General Meeting must be submitted to
the Board no later than one month before the meeting.

15 Notifications: A notice of a National Annual General Meeting shall be made in
writing via postal mail or e-mail or sms. Notice shall be sent no earlier than 6 weeks
and no later than 2 weeks before a National Annual General Meeting. Other
messages to the members should be sent via email, sms and official social media

16 Distribution of profit Non-restricted equity according to balance sheet should,
after prescribed allocation by law, to the reserve fund, be according to the decision of
National Annual General Meeting: 1. Fundable for a particular purpose and / or 2.
Brought forward to next year and / or 3. Dividend as contribution rate of the members shares/quotas and / or 4. Re-invested to the same or new projects and/or 5. To be paid back to investors and/or…

17 Dissolution: Upon dissolution of the cooperative, the Cooperative’s remaining
assets should be distributed among the investment members in proportion to their
paid-up investment and if there is any balance should be distributed to ordinary
members equally.

These statutes were adopted at the Inaugural General Meeting online between
Sweden and Uganda September 2021

Our Work

AfriSwe offers a wide range of business aspects

Embracing a holistic approach to community development, our initiatives in organic farming prioritize the use of biological materials, steering clear of synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and nurture a healthier ecosystem for crops and livestock. In our commitment to renewable energy, we focus on solar power, bio gas, and other effective means, aiming for a cleaner, more sustainable future. Simultaneously, our efforts in planting trees not only secure clean rainwater but also bridge the gap in modern techniques, ensuring access to safe water sources.

Additionally, by empowering individuals through training and collaboration in integrated fishing farming, we foster entrepreneurial skills, establishing sustainable fishing ponds and contributing to both economic growth and self-sufficiency. These intertwined endeavors represent our dedication to creating a more eco-conscious, empowered community where every initiative contributes to a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

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