Vision Bearers

Afriswe is an international cooperation

Namuddu Janet Magato – Group C.E.O

Founding Chairperson

This is AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative cry to you all from all corners in this world that the time is now to stand together and start taking care of the problems we are faced with in our homes, families, communities, countries and continent at large. As the Governments, Donors and all well-wishers have tried their level best to bring up programmes intended to change our way of living, it can only count if we also learn to participate in all these processes and that is when we shall realize real change in our way of living.

AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative is a platform initiated to bring us together, join our efforts and the little resources we have to start on tackling on our burning issues to improve on our living standards. AfriSwe is neither entertaining politics nor religion and neither tribalism nor colour. We believe we are ONE PEOPLE regardless our backgrounds and affiliations.

AfriSwe Strong Knot Cooperative is exclusively for DEVELOPMENT and mainly focusing its energies on things that are going to improve on our day to day living standards. Let us join for this cause and create a platform that is going to restore HOPE in the current generations for the coming generations that they will live a better live.

Together Everyone Achieves More. Together we stand and divided we fall.
Count on me! Count on you! Count on us!

Eng Tamale Godfrey

Co-founding Member

Muhamed Magato

Co-founding Member

Nabbumba Celina Hope

Co-founding Member

Namuddu Janet Magato

Founding Chairperson

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